Yes there will always be cats, and if we join the ranks who look the other way, "out of sight, out of mind", then that particular cat will most likely soon no longer be anyone's concern. Statistically it will become a victim of the ways of the wild and perish without anyone to mourn it's loss.
We've always had one too many cats, yet once you're set up for cats, it's like eating potato chips and you make room for one more. We don't go looking for more ways of tying ourselves down with responsibility or debt, but if a little lost soul seeks our doorstep over that of another, he must have sensed something to override his fear.
That is exactly what happened with the little girl in the pictures. My husband had a business luncheon at a restaurant in a busy area whirling with traffic. It was raining and miserable outside and as the group exited the building a skinny little cat was seen wandering around the parking lot. With the work day not yet over, everyone had things to do and places to be, therefore a stray cat was seen but not really seen (if you know what I mean).
Except for my husband.
This little cat must have picked up on the empathetic energies from this man, therefore followed him to his car, and just sat there. What was he to do? He had to get back to work but his heart couldn't just leave her there in the rain with the odds very great that she wouldn't survive the day without getting hit by a car. Looking around, wondering where she could have come from, he did what every good husband does. He called his wife and asked what to do.
By the time he came home, he picked up on three things that made this cat special.
1. She came to him and let him pick her up without fear.
2. She sat on his lap the entire hour car ride home.
3. It became obvious that this cat couldn't hear a thing.
How a deaf cat crossed those busy roads just shows how sharp are the survival skills and senses of our animal friends.
The fact that Bonesy had something wrong with her was picked up on immediately by the other cats. The animal world doesn't take kindly to a weakness, therefore Bonesy had to toughen up quick to gain acceptance amidst her new household. There was plenty of scowling and head bopping but since she acted indifferent to it all without fear or backing down, peace ensued pretty quickly.
Very important and most difficult for we busy humans, is allowing ourselves the time to relax in someone's arms with no where to be but in the moment at hand.
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